Here's the latest news on theater captioning
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it clear that movie theaters are a place of public accommodation and should
provide the accommodations needed by people with disabilities, including people with hearing loss. Theaters are required to
provide assistive listening devices and have worked to comply with that regulation for many years. However, until recently
theater owners have successfully contended they were not required to provide captioned movies.
In April, 2010, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Americans with Disabilities Act does require movie theaters
to show closed-captioned movies unless doing so would constitute an "undue burden." Then in July, 2010, the US Department
of Justice (DOJ) released an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that made it clear closed captioning of movies would be
considered a reasonable accommodation. At the same time, theaters had begun the process of installing digital movie systems.
With the installation of digital technology, providing closed captioning in the theater becomes more affordable as well as
technically achievable. We expect to see more and more captioning of movies as digital technology is rolled out in theaters
across the country.